August 18, 2015

OS X Verbose mode

We previously discussed how booting your Mac into OS X’s Safe Mode can help troubleshoot various issues with your computer. In more obscure situations and borderline cases, however, Safe Mode may not be enough to understand why your Mac freezes or crashes during the system boot process.

Enter OS X’s Verbose Mode.

Not only does Verbose Mode makes it easy to access detailed status messages as your Mac is starting up, but also lets you see what’s really going on behind the scenes and watch as OS X loads kernel extensions and other startup items.

In this tutorial, we’re going to cover booting your Mac in OS X’s Verbose Mode, explain in which situations it might come in handy and give you some handy tips related to using Verbose Mode.... Read the rest of this post here

"How to boot your Mac in Verbose Mode" is an article by
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固定链接 'How to boot your Mac in Verbose Mode' 提交: August 18, 2015, 10:27am CST 由 Christian Zibreg