9to5Mac November 03, 2023

iOS 17 has been out for over a month now and we got some great headlining features like Contact Posters, Live Voicemail, and the beloved Standby Mode. But with every major update, there are always some smaller features that Apple never publicly mentions and go relatively unnoticed. I like to call these features quality-of-life updates. They are features that won’t make headlines but will be used on a day-to-day basis and make each iPhone user’s experience just that much better. Below are my 10 best iOS 17 features no one is talking about, be sure to watch the video and try these out!

more… 固定链接 'iOS 17 features that no one is talking about [Video]' 提交: November 3, 2023, 8:21am CST 由 Fernando Silva