Assertion Failed: File '/srv/www/'; Line '579'; Code ''

Failed to execute the SQL query

select  i.title,  c.title,, i.unread, i.url, i.enclosure,, i.description, c.icon,  unix_timestamp(ifnull(i.pubdate,i.added)) as ts,  i.pubdate is not null as ispubdate,  , null  from  Gre__item  i  inner join  Gre__channels  c on ( = i.cid)  inner join  Gre__folders  f on ( = c.parent)  where  not(i.unread & 8) and  not(i.unread & 4) and  1 = 1  and  1=1  order by  f.position asc, c.position asc, ts desc, asc limit  10, 10

Error 126: Incorrect key file for table '/tmp/#sql_384_1.MYI'; try to repair it